2018.08~2023.12:广东工业大学 讲师 任职建筑环境与能源应用工程专业;
2024.01~至今:广东工业大学 副教授 任职建筑环境与能源应用工程专业;
城市复杂场景下群众认知决策理论模型与人员安全风险评估,等等;为Building and Environment, Energy & Buildings, Urban Climate, Energy, Sustainable Cities and Society, Applied Energy等TOP期刊审稿人,参编《博物馆建筑能耗监测系统技术规程》及《公共机构屋顶分布式光伏发电项目碳资产开发技术规范》等。
第一作者. Field investigation of indoor air quality and its association with heating lifestyles among older people in severe cold rural China[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 95, 110086.
第一作者. Spatio-temporal analysis of local thermal environment in waterfront blocks along the both sides of pearl river in Guangzhou, China. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024, 103875.
通讯作者. Mathematical models for traffic-source PM2.5 dispersion in an urban street canyon considering the capture capability of roadside trees, Science of the Total Environment, 2024,951,175513.
通讯作者. Establishment of LCZ-based urban building energy consumption dataset in hot and humid subtropical regions through a bottom-up method, Applied Energy, 2024, 368, 123491.
第一作者. Developing a spatial optimization design approach towards energy-saving and outdoor thermal comfortable densely-built residential blocks using a dynamic local energy balance model, Energy and Buildings, 2024, 328: 115194.
通讯作者. Adaptability Analysis of Integrated Project Delivery Method in Large and Medium-Sized Engineering Projects: A FAHP-Based Modeling Solution, Buildings, 2024, 14, 1999.
第一作者. Energy-Efficiency-Oriented Spatial Configuration of VRV Outdoor Units in an Equipment Layer Under Background Wind Conditions, Buildings, 2024, 14: 3681.
通讯作者. A review on the mathematical models of thermostatically controlled load, Architectural Intelligence, 2024, 3, 33.
第一作者. Cooling effects of wetland parks in hot and humid areas based on remote sensing images and local climate zone scheme, Building and Environment, 2023, 243:110660.
第一作者. Developing a CNN-based, block-scale oriented Local Climate Zone mapping approach: A case study in Guangzhou, Building and Environment, 2023, 240:110414.
通讯作者. Effects of roadside trees three-dimensional morphology characteristics on traffic-related PM2.5 distribution in hot-humid urban blocks. Urban Climate, 2023, 49: 101448.
第一作者. Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Multi-Factor analysis of Near-Surface PM2.5 Concentration in Local-Scale Urban Areas, Atmosphere, 2023, 14.
第一作者. Landscape pattern optimization strategy of coastal mountainside greenway from a microclimatic comfort view in hot and humid areas. Urban Climate, 2022, 46: 101297.
第一作者. Developing practical techniques for rapid quantitative assessment of time-varying block-scale urban climate under varied landscape patterns. Urban Climate, 2022, 43: 101156.
第一作者. Association analysis on spatiotemporal characteristics of block-scale urban thermal environments based on a field mobile survey in Guangzhou, China, Urban Climate, 2022, 42: 101131.
第一作者. Field Survey on Local Thermal Comfort of Students at a University Campus: A Case Study in Shanghai. Atmosphere, 2022, 13: 1433.
第一作者. Wind-Thermal Environmental Characteristic of Multi-Variable Passive Enhanced Natural Ventilation System for High and Large Space Building. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New series), 2022, 2022039.
第一作者. Climate-conscious spatial morphology optimization strategy using a method combining local climate zone parameterization concept and urban canopy layer model, Building and Environment, 2020, 185(5):107301.
通讯作者. Block-based local climate zone approach to urban climate maps using the UDC model, Building and Environment, 2020, 186: 1-18.
通讯作者. Field Assessment of Neighboring Building and Tree Shading Effects on the 3D Radiant Environment and Human Thermal Comfort in Summer within Urban Settlements in Northeast China. Advances in Meteorology, 2020, 1:1-19.
第一作者. Quantitative effects of urban spatial characteristics on outdoor thermal comfort based on the LCZ scheme, Building and Environment, 2018, 143: 443-460.
第一作者. An integrated local climatic evaluation system for green sustainable eco-city construction: a case study in Shenzhen, China. Building and Environment, 114 (2017): 82-95.
第一作者. Analysis of local-scale urban heat island characteristics using an integrated method of mobile measurement and GIS-based spatial interpolation. Building and Environment, 117 (2017): 191-207.
第一作者. An improved temporal correction method for mobile measurement of outdoor thermal climates. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2017, 129(1-2): 201-212.
第一作者. Dynamic Spatial-temporal Evaluations of Urban Heat Islands and Thermal Comfort of a Complex Urban District Using an Urban Canopy Model. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 15 (2016): 627-634.
发明专利(排名第1).街区尺度气候图绘制方法、装置、电子设备及存储介质,ZL 2021 1 0897603.6
发明专利(排名第1).一种基于人工智能获取街区尺度LCZ的方法,ZL 2023 1 0432490.1
发明专利(排名第1).湿地公园降温效应及建筑能耗预测系统、方法及装置,ZL 2023 1 0425169.0
发明专利(排名第1).一种交通源PM2.5动态预测方法及系统,ZL 2023 1 0363107.1
发明专利(排名第1).城市建筑能耗时变图集构建方法、装置、设备及存储介质, 202111 294562.8
发明专利(排名第1).道路环境数据处理装置、方法、电子装置及存储介质,ZL 2202411065113.X
实用新型专利(排名第1).一种便携式太阳能环境监测装置 ZL 2021 2 2083891.X
亚热带城市交通源颗粒物扩散预测软件,2021SR2166722 (软件著作权)
基于街区尺度的湿热地区城市局地气候分区热环境评估软件,2021SR0567622 (软件著作权)
基于自适应的交通信号智能化控制系统,2021SR1573930, (软件著作权)
基于定温条件的热力过程计算软件,2024SR0652384 (软件著作权)
基于欧拉法的自然出流计算软件,2024SR0652016 (软件著作权)
基于有限差分的一维导热温度分布绘图软件,2024SR0652355 (软件著作权)
基于Rayman简化模型的人体等效生理温度计算软件,2024SR0682218 (软件著作权)
6. 年度主要国际会议