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通信地址:广州大学城外环西路100号广东工业大学实验二号楼513-2 (510006)
2011.09-2017.06 湖南大学,土木工程专业,工学博士
2015.09-2016.09 University of California, Irvine,桥梁与结构工程专业,联合培养博士
2007.09-2011.06 湖南大学,土木工程专业,工学学士
2021.01-现在 广东工业大学射龙门游戏规则
2020.01-2020.12 广东工业大学射龙门游戏规则
2017.06-2019.12 广东工业大学射龙门游戏规则
1. 基于高性能材料的新型桥梁设计基本理论;
2. 既有桥梁结构加固与智能运维技术;
3. 新型建筑材料配制技术与基础理论;
4. 半潜式海洋结构体系与设计方法。
1. Shaohua He*, Bitao Lv, Xu Huang, Luoquan Zou, Defeng Zhou. Cracking performance in the hogging moment region of HSS-UHPC continuous composite girder bridges. Structures, 2024, 61: 106081.
2. Shaohua He, Xu Huang, Luoquan Zou, Cheng Zheng, Haohui Xin*, Junshun Liang. Performance assessment of channel beam bridges with hollow track bed decks. Structures, 2024, 61: 105988.
3. Zhengxuan Yu, Jianyan He, Yi Wang*, Shaohua He, Tamon Ueda. Accuracy analysis on CFRP-RC interfacial defects detected using electrical measurement: Influence of steel reinforcement. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 418: 134977.
4. Jing Liu, Zimao Pan, Zhicheng Pan, Shaohua He*, Wenzuo Yu. Experimental investigation on the axially loading performance of grooving-damaged square hollow concrete-filled steel tube columns. Buildings, 2024, 14(1): 87.
5. Shaohua He, Gang Yang, et al. Effective width evaluation for HSS-UHPC composite beams with perfobond strip connectors. Engineering Structures, 2023, 295: 116828. (SCI)
6. Shaohua He, Yangming Xu, et al. Investigation on interfacial anti-sliding behavior of high strength steel-UHPC composite beams. Composite Structures, 2023, 316: 117036. (SCI)
7. Shaohua He*, Wenjie Zhou, et al. Structural performance of perforated steel plate-CFST arch feet in concrete girder-steel arch composite bridges. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 201: 107742. (SCI)
8. Shaohua He, Zheng Jiang, et al. Mechanical properties, durability, and structural applications of rubber concrete: a state-of-the-art-review. Sustainability, 2023, 15(11): 8541. (SCI)
9. Zhiyong Wan, Zhi Fang, Linong Liang, Shaohua He*, et al. Structural performance of steel-concrete composite beams with UHPC overlays under hogging moment. Engineering Structures, 2022, 270: 114866. (SCI)
10. Yangming Xu, Shaohua He*, et al. Shear behavior of flexible-sleeve perfobond strip connectors: experimental and analytical studies. Engineering Structures, 2022, 264: 114380. (SCI)
11. Shaohua He, Jianyan He, et al. Detection of CFRP-concrete interfacial defects by using electrical measurement. Composite Structures, 2022, 29: 115843. (SCI)
12. Shaohua He, Gang Yang, et al. Evaluation of shear lag effect in HSS-UHPC composite beams with perfobond strip connectors: experimental and numerical studies. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 194: 107312. (SCI)
13. Shaohua He, Quanfeng Li, et al. Experimental study on flexural performance of HSS-UHPC composite beams with perfobond strip connectors. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 2022, 148(6): 04022064. (SCI)
14. 贺绍华*,关沛东,等. 复合型开孔板连接件抗剪性能试验研究. 中国公路学报,2022, 35(5): 73-83. (EI)
15. Shaohua He, Xiaochun Guo, Jianyan He, Bo Guo*, Cheng Zheng. Investigation of Measurement Accuracy of Bridge Deformation Using UAV-based Oblique Photography Technique. Sensors, 2022, 6822. (SCI)
16. 贺绍华*,陈焕伟,等. 橡胶粉改性PE-ECC的静力及抗冲击性能. 土木与环境工程学报,2022. (Accept) (CSCD)
17. 贺绍华*,杨刚,等.带开孔板连接件高强钢-UHPC组合梁抗弯性能研究. 交通运输工程学报,2022, 22(6): 143-157. (EI)
18. 贺绍华,李栩铭,等. 华南地区湿热环境下工程水泥基复合材料配合比优化及抗压尺寸效应研究. 工业建筑,2022, 52(3): 164-170+226. (CSCD)
19. Zhiyong Wan, Guohe Guo, Guozhi Wang, Shaohua He*, Juliang Tan, Libo Hou. Investigation on cracking performance of UHPC overlaid concrete deck at hogging moment zone of steel-concrete composite girders. Achieves of Civil Engineering, 2023, 69(4): 445-457. (EI)
20. 万志勇,陈健平,贺绍华*,黄旭,孙向东. UHPC-NC界面抗剪性能试验研究. 中外公路, 2024. (Accept)
1. 贺绍华,刘昶希,等. 一种双梁持荷加载腐蚀试验装置. 实用新型专利,申请号:202420345493.1,2024.2.26.
2. 贺绍华,林滨楷,等. 一种可潜浮式深海桁架养殖网箱. 发明专利,申请号:202311833595.4,2024.2.20.
3. 贺绍华,黄旭,等. 一种多途径能力耗散的桥梁防船撞装置及防船撞体系. 发明专利,申请号:202211113771.2, 2022/09/14
4. 贺绍华,江政,等. 一种普通钢筋与FRP筋连接套筒. 发明专利, 授权号:202210139344.5,2023/06/23
1. 基于负弯矩区UHPC薄层阻裂效应的连续组合梁桥增韧机制及耐久性设计方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2023.01-2026.12
2. UHPC薄层局部增强连续组合梁桥的断裂特征及其计算方法研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目 2023.01-2025.12
3. UHPC薄层加固危旧混凝土T梁桥机理及计算方法研究,广州市基础与应用基础研究项目(优秀博士“续航”项目) 2024.04-2026.03
4. 高强钢-UHPC组合梁桥界面滑移行为及受弯破坏机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目 2020.01-2022.12(已结题)
5. 装配式高强钢-UHPC组合梁抗弯性能及设计方法研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目 2020.10-2022.09(已结题)
6. 基于疲劳累积损伤效应的PBL剩余力学性能研究,广州市基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类) 2021.04-2023.03(已结题)
7. 考虑格室约束效应的混合梁斜拉桥钢混结合段PBL力学性能研究,广东省教育厅科技计划项目 2019.05-2021.04
8. 钢板组合梁负弯矩区NC-UHPC组合桥面板抗裂性能研究,广东省交通规划设计研究院集团股份有限公司项目 2021.04-2022.03
9. 基于无人机倾斜摄影的斜拉索加劲连续刚构施工控制研究,中铁二局集团有限公司科技计划项目 2020.10 -2022.12(主持)
担任《中外公路》青年编委、ICATH国际会议学术委员会委员、Energies特刊客座编辑、Engineering Structures, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Constructional Steel Research、《中国公路学报》、《土木与环境工程学报》、《铁道科学与工程学报》等多个学术期刊审稿人。