
作者:        发布时间:2023-10-27        阅读量:

姓名:柳君侠Liu Junxia




电子邮箱:w[email protected]






2018/04-至今 广东工业大学 射龙门游戏规则 青百副教授

2017/04-2017/10, 香港大学 土木工程系 访问学者

2016/03-2018/03 广东工业大学 化学工程与技术 博士后

2011/09-2015/03  同济大学 市政工程 博士

2010/07-2011/08  中国市政工程西北设计研究院 给排水设计师

2007/09-2010/06  武汉理工大学 市政工程 硕士

2003/09-2007/06  武汉理工大学 给水排水工程 学士



Water特刊 Guest Editor








[1] Junxia Liu, W Fu, X Yuet al. Relating critical and limiting fluxes to metastable and long-term stable fluxes through collision-attachment theory. Water Research, 2023, 238, 120010 中科院SCI 1

[2] Junxia Liu, Huang T, et al., Stochastic Collision–Attachment-Based Monte Carlo Simulation of Colloidal Fouling: Transition from Foulant–Clean-Membrane Interaction to Foulant–Fouled-Membrane Interaction. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, (19), 12703-12712. 中科院1

[3] Junxia Liu, Wang Zhihong, Tang Chuyang, et al. Modeling dynamics of colloidal fouling of RO/NF membrane with a novel collision-attachment approach, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52,1471-1478. 中科院1

[4] Junxia Liu; Tang, Zhiwei; Yang, Haiyan, et al., Dissecting the role of membrane defects with low-energy barrier on fouling development through A collision Attachment-Monte Carlo approach. Journal of membrane science, 2022, 633, 120981. 中科院1

[5] Junxia Liu; Fan, Yaqian.; Sun, Yuhui; et al., Modelling the critical roles of zeta potential and contact angle on colloidal fouling with a coupled XDLVO - collision attachment approach. Journal of membrane science, 2021, 623, 119048. 中科院1

[6] Junxia Liu; Zhao, Yaxiang; Fan, Yaqian; et al., Dissect the role of particle size through collision-attachment simulations for colloidal fouling of RO/NF membranes. Journal of membrane science, 2021, 638, 119679. 中科院1

[7] Junxia Liu, Cao Pei, Xuri Yu, Tian Li, Wen Sun, Yaxiang Zhao, Hongjian Yu, Wang Zhihong*, A coupled molybdenum disulfide - copper modification of NF membrane for enhanced anti-bacterial performance, Desalination, 2023,546, 116190, 中科院SCI 2

[8] Junxia Liu, Xuri Yu, Ennuo Yang, et al., A combined tannic acid-copper-iron coating of ultrafiltration membrane for enhanced anti-bacterial and algal-inhibition performance, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 50, 103250, 中科院SCI 2

[9] Liu, Junxia; Yang, Ennuo; Huang, et al; Correlation of chemically irreversible fouling with organic constituents of feed water during membrane filtration, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 597: 124790. 中科院2

[10] Junxia Liu, Z. Tang, J. Zeng, Y., et al. Degradation of Acid Orange 8 through Photocatalysis in the Presence of ZnO/polyaniline Nanocomposite, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 17 (2022), 220857, 中科院4

[11] Junxia Liu; Chen, Kang; Zou, K; et al, Insights into the roles of membrane pore size and feed foulant concentration in ultrafiltration membrane fouling based on collision-attachment theory, Water Environment Research, 2021, 93(4):516-523. 中科院4

[12] Junxia Liu; Qiu Yongting; He Linjuan; et al. Effect of iron and phosphorus on the microalgae growth in co-culture. Archives of Microbiology, 2021, 203(2):733-740. 中科院4

[13] Junxia Liu, Tan Kaiting, He Linjuan, et al. Effect of limitation of iron and manganese on microalgae growth in fresh water. Microbiology-SGM, 2018, 164:1514-1521. 中科院3

[14] Wen Sun, Tian Li, Yaoliang Hong, Huaqiang Chu, Junxia Liu, et al., Dual-objective optimization of biofuel-based solid oxide fuel cell energy system for hydrogen fuel and desalinated water production, Fuel, 334 (2023), 126598, 中科院1

[15] W. Sun, T. Li, H. Chu, Junxia Liu, et al., Modeling the ammonia absorption capacity of choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents with artificial neural networks, Journal of Cleaner Production, 373 (2022), 133764 中科院1

[16] Wen Sun, Tian Li, Huaqiang Chu, Junxia Liu, et al., Techno-economic optimization of a fuel cell with nanomaterial structure membrane for electricity and heating production, Fuel, 329(2022) 125410 中科院1

[17] Zhao, Dongsheng; Liu, Junxia; Qiu, L; et al., Roles of a mixed hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface in the regulation of nanofiltration membrane fouling in oily produced wastewater treatment: Performance and interfacial thermodynamic mechanisms, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257, 117970. 中科院1

[18] Zhao, Dongsheng; Qiu, Liping; Song, Jiyu; Liu, Junxia; et al., Efficiencies and mechanisms of chemical cleaning agents for nanofiltration membranes used in produced wastewater desalination, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 652: 256-266.  中科院SCI 1

[19] W. Sun, Y. Hong, T. Li, H. Chu, Junxia Liu, et al., Biogenic synthesis of reduced graphene oxide decorated with silver nanoparticles (rGO/Ag NPs) using table olive (olea europaea) for efficient and rapid catalytic reduction of organic pollutants, Chemosphere, 310 (2023), 136759, 中科院2

[20] Zhao, Dongsheng; Song, Jiyu; Xu, Jun; Yu, Shuili; Liu, Junxia; et al., Behaviours and mechanisms of nanofiltration membrane fouling by anionic polyacrylamide with different molecular weights in brackish wastewater desalination, Desalination, 2019, 468: 114058 中科院SCI 2

[21] W. Sun, Y. Hong, T. Li, H. Chu, Junxia. Liu, et al., Application of sulfur-coated magnetic carbon nanotubes for extraction of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water resources, Chemosphere, 309 (2022), 136632 中科院2

[22] H. Yang, X. Yu, Junxia. Liu, et al., A Concise Review of Theoretical Models and Numerical Simulations of Membrane Fouling, Water, 14 (2022), 3537, 中科院3

[23] Gao, Kuo; Li, Tian*; Liu, Junxia; et al., Ultrafiltration membrane fouling performance by mixtures with micromolecular and macromolecular organics, Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology, 2019, 5(2): 277-286. 中科院3

[24] T. Li, H. Yu, J. Tian, Junxia Liu*, et al., PAC-UF Process Improving Surface Water Treatment: PAC Effects and Membrane Fouling Mechanism, Membranes, 12 (2022), 12050487 中科院4

[25] Dong, Bingzhi; Gui, Bo; Liu, Junxia*; et al., Analysis of organic foulants in the coagulation-microfiltration process for the treatment of Taihu Lake, Environmental Technology, 2019, 40(25): 3364-3370. 中科院4

[26] 何林娟; 邹康兵; 盛云鸽; 杨恩诺; 黄添怡; 柳君侠; 王志红; 预处理对东江原水超滤过程中膜污染的控制作用, 中国给水排水, 2021, 37(1): 16-21,27.

[27] 余健鑫,钟绮芸,龙志宏,李婧,陈康,杨海燕,柳君侠. 基于XDLVO理论的亲疏水组分对超滤膜污染的影响, 中国给水排水2023, 39(7):35-42

[28] 赵亚翔; 柳君侠; 王志红; 邹康兵; 新型抗污染膜材料研究进展,水处理技术, 2022, 48(1): 18-22

[29] 余健鑫,陈淦茁,李婧,邹康兵,陈康,柳君侠; 东江水有机物特性变化规律及超滤膜污染中试研究, 水处理技术, 2024

[30] 符威,玉旭日,龙志宏,柳君侠,王琦. 南方某城市地下综合管廊应急排水设计思考, 净水技术, 2024



[1] Dong Bingzhi; Li Tian; Chu Huaqiang; He Huan; Zhu shumin; Liu Junxia. Drinking Water Treatment: New Membrane Technology[M]. Tongji University Press Co. Ltd, Shanghai, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2022



[1] 柳君侠,萧智仁,符威,王志红,带有改进结构的可调脉冲布水器,2023-06-13,中国,ZL 202320303086.X (实用新型)

[2] 柳君侠,钟绮芸,周扬帆,龙志宏,王志红,水处理用的过滤膜组件,2023-06-13,中国,ZL 202320230029.3 (实用新型)

[3] 柳君侠,张丽芳,陈霖纯,余健鑫,龙志宏,冯力,一种泥水处理用沉淀分离装置,2023-06-20中国,ZL 202320231143.8 (实用新型)

[4] 杨恩诺; 柳君侠; 王志红; 邹康兵, 一种联合抑制膜生物污染改性超滤膜及其制备方法和应用, 2022-8-19, 中国, ZL 2020 1 1251043.9 (发明专利)

[5]谭凯婷; 王志红; 仇永婷; 刘立凡; 柳君侠, 一种天然富藻水体的除藻方法, 2021.11,02,中国, ZL 2018 1 0126595.3 (发明专利)

[6]邹康兵; 范雅倩;何林娟; 袁永钦; 王志红; 柳君侠; 周毓, 一种基于超滤膜的水处理系统, 2021-12-07, 中国, ZL 2021 2 0261776.4 (实用新型)



(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 51708130, 地表水超滤过程中化学不可逆膜污染微观作用机理及控制研究, 2018-01 2020-12, 23.0万元, 主持

(2) 广东工业大学青年百人基金, 220413259, 三价铁-单宁酸络合物改性超滤膜制备工艺研究, 2018-09 2022-12, 20.0万元, 主持

(3) 校企产学研合作项目, 珠三角水源条件下基于饮用水水质末端控制的超滤膜污染成分识别及控制技术研究, 2020-01 2022-1297 万元,主研

(4) 校企产学研合作项目, 广州市中心城区地下深埋综合管廊给水管道入廊安装关键技术研究,2022-012024-01,  46.6 万元, 主持

(5) 校企产学研合作项目, 复合絮凝技术强化水厂污泥浓缩过程研究,2023-082025-08,  12.0 万元, 主持

(6) 校企产学研合作项目, 基于PVDF 压力式超滤膜过滤性能评价及老化机制研究,2023-10 2025-10,  48.3 万元, 主持






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