
作者:        发布时间:2016-06-29        阅读量:

题 目1:Recent Developments in Plasticity and Ductile Fracture Modeling

报告人1:Xiaosheng Gao

时 间:2016年7月4日上午9:30

题 目2:工程结构材料损伤数字仿真


时 间:2016年7月4日上午11:00

地 点:实验2号楼625会议室(射龙门游戏规则 工程力学研究所)

Biography of Xiaosheng Gao


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Brown University, May 1998

Major: Solid Mechanics; Minors: Materials Science & Applied Mathematics

Thesis: Numerical Modeling of Crack Growth in the Ductile / Brittle Transition Regime

M.S., Applied Mathematics, Brown University, May 1995

M.S., Solid Mechanics, Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), June 1990

Thesis: A Study of Mode I Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials

B.S., Engineering Mechanics, Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), July 1987


Mechanics of materials and structures; Constitutive modeling of advanced materials;

Computational mechanics; Fatigue and fracture mechanics; Micromechanics; Multi-scale

modeling of damage & failure and material characterization with microstructure


Professor, The University of Akron, 2011 – present

Associate Chair for Graduate Programs, Department of Mechanical Engineering, since Aug. 2013

Office of Naval Research (ONR) Summer Faculty Fellow, summer 2006 & 2007

Associate professor, The University of Akron, Aug. 2006 – May 2011

Visiting professor, National University of Singapore, summer 2005

Assistant professor, The University of Akron, Jan. 2001 – May 2006

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sept. 1997 – Dec. 2000

Visiting scholar, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Nov. 1996 – May 1997

Graduate research assistant, Brown University, Sept. 1992 – Aug. 1997

Assistant professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China), June 1990 – Aug. 1992


Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award, 2002

Elected as a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), June 2013


This talk summarizes recent developments in modeling plasticity and ductile fracture behavior of metallic structural materials at engineering scales, with emphasis on the effect of the stress state. Increasing experimental evidences have shown that many engineering materials exhibit the strength differential effect and their plastic response cannot be described by the classicalJ2plasticity theory. Analysis of experimental data obtained from a variety of structural alloys result in a general form of plasticity model for isotropic materials, where the yield function and the flow potential are expressed as functions of the first invariant of the stress tensor and the second and third invariants of the deviatoric stress tensor. For anisotropic materials, a method based on the linear transformation of the stress deviator is shown to be effective in formulating the yield function and the flow potential. Stress state also has strong effect on ductile fracture. It is shown that the material failure process is not only influenced by the stress triaxiality but also by the Lode parameter. Consequently a cumulative strain damage model, where the damage parameter depends on the stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter, is developed. Another approach to model ductile fracture is to use porous material models as void nucleation, growth and coalescence represents a major failure mechanism. Recent modifications to the Gurson-type porous material models to include the Lode angle effect and the shear damage contribution have extended the capability of the models to predict damage and fracture under low (even negative) triaxiality conditions. Numerical models combining these newly developedplasticity and ductile damage models have shown great promising for integrity and reliability assessment of engineering components. The predictive power of these models are demonstrated through extensive experimental and numerical studies of various specimens experiencing a wide range of stress states.










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